Smartphones: OnePlus will wesentlich bessere Videografie-Funktionen bieten

OnePlus One Concept

Fotografie ist heutzutage mit den Highend-Smartphones aller Hersteller auf hohem Niveau möglich. Videografie wurde aber vernachlässigt. OnePlus hat sich diesbezüglich viel Kritik und Feedback angehört, darauf reagieren die Chinesen mit einigen Neuerungen. OnePlus verspricht Verbesserungen in vielen Bereichen, dazu gehören auch Korrekturen für die Wiedergabe von Hautfarben und eine durchweg höhere Schärfe bzw. bessere Balance aus Schärfe und Bildrauschen. Derartige Verbesserungen sind per Systemupdate lieferbar, wie auch eine bessere Performance der Kamera-App.

OnePlus verspricht Verbesserungen für Videoaufnahmen

Des Weiteren stehen auf der Liste eine verbesserte Bildstabilität für 4K-Aufnahmen, was allerdings erst mit zukünftigen Geräten bzw. anderer Hardware verbessert werden kann. Ebenso möchte man FHD und UHD zukünftig in neuen Smartphones für alle Kamerasensoren bereitstellen können. Eine gleichzeitige Aufnahme über mehrere Kamerasensoren ist von Nutzern ebenso gewünscht. Apple, Samsung und Huawei haben diesbezüglich vorgelegt. OnePlus arbeite nach eigenen Angaben außerdem an einem Nachtmodus für Videoaufnahmen.

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Nachfolgend findet ihr die komplette Liste der Punkte, auf das Unternehmen im hauseigenen Blog eingegangen ist.

  • Exposure / color / white balance shift and consistency across all cameras
    Tuning all the cameras to have the identical exposure, white balance is our first priority and main goal.
  • Auto focus consistency
    We weren’t be able to reproduce the issue reported by the OEF attendees in our lab, but an upgrade both on hardware and software for auto focus will come in 2020.
  • Skin tone consistency
    Skin tone improvement is one of our top priorities. It will improve via future system updates.
  • Sharpness: Sharpness needs improvement across all scenarios
    We are trying to find the new balance between sharpness and noise.
  • Super stabilization: Support for 4K recording; Reducing noise and improving low light quality.
    There are hardware limitations, but 4K super stabilization will be supported in some of our future devices.
  • Dynamic range: Subject is lit but background is too dark
    We have been working on video HDR, which will solve these dynamic range problems.
  • Light flickering
    We’ve heard a lot of feedback about this, and we are working on de-flickering solutions to reduce this issue.
  • Panning shots are not smooth: Improve panning shots stabilization and smoothness
    So far, we weren’t be able to reproduce this issue in our lab, but smoothness and video are part of our key improvement points for 2020.
  • Faster camera
    Again, this is one of our main goals in 2020. Faster shutter requires updates from system, application, as well as the animation. It will constantly be improved via future updates.
  • Lens feature-parity: 1080P and 4K should be supported in all three lenses, allowing to switch between lenses while recording
    This is due to a hardware limitation in current devices, but we’re exploring ways to make it possible for future devices.
  • Limited 4K record length
    Having considered overall performance and temperature, we will not change current limit, but will keep working on optimizing this in the future.
  • Single handed use: Difficult to reach the top bar for features; Single hand zooming
    This is very important feedback for us, and we’ve already been discussing solutions with the design team.
  • Video editing
    We plan on completely updating our Gallery app’s video tools, so many of the features requested during the OEF will be supported. For color grading or LUT options, we will have news soon.
  • Pro video mode
    Pro video mode will be put into backlog, since our high priority is improving default video quality and use experience across the board.
  • Depth of field for tele camera recording (optical)
    We have already been researching and working on this feature, and the current quality has not reached our standard to release.
  • Zoom-in time-lapse
    We have some similar ideas for time-lapse as well, they are already in future product plan.
  • Reverse recording video
    Less frequent user scenario, so we’ve put into backlog. Our main focus in video is basic quality and user experience for all users.
  • Night mode for night video
    This is something we believe to be very interesting, we have already been researching and working on it.
  • AR emoji and stickers recording
    We still haven’t found a killer scenario for AR in video. There are some third-party apps that already offer interesting sticker features, so this isn’t a big priority for now.
  • Social media mode: Directly to twitter, crop ratio for Instagram, etc.
    We believe the image quality in third-party apps is of high importance and has a higher priority. We have been working on this, these features are planned after image quality improvement.
  • Light painting mode
    We decide not to follow on light painting effect due to a narrow user scenario.
  • 2 cameras recording at the same time: Wide and ultra-wide; rear and front
    This is already supported by current platform and cameras, but we are looking for user scene to fully take advantage of this feature.