Google lässt Samsung am großen Tag der Galaxy S23-Smartphones nicht alleine und veröffentlicht gleich mal eine ganz frische Testversion für Android 13. Es dürfte die letzte Beta sein, die man für das kommende Quartals-Update (QPR2) rausbringt, welches als Pixel Feature Drop in der Kalenderwoche 10 kommen müsste.
Dass sich Google gerade vorrangig um extrem viele Fehlerbehebungen kümmert, unterstreicht auch der Changelog mit sehr vielen Punkten. Es sind insgesamt 16 Punkte aufgeführt. Beheben konnte man Abstürze einiger Funktionen, GPU-Probleme, Bugs im Pixel Launcher und vieles mehr.
Jetzt unseren WhatsApp Newsletter-Kanal abonnieren!Developer-reported and user-reported issues
- Fixed an issue where notifications in a notification group were sometimes displayed with straight corners instead of rounded corners. (Issue #264287776, Issue #265529116)
- Fixed an issue where the message in the notification shade that indicates an active VPN connection overlapped with the message about apps with active foreground services. (Issue #266075977)
- Fixed an issue where the overflow menu couldn’t be accessed when editing Quick Settings tiles. (Issue #263484657)
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a device with vibration enabled to vibrate for too long after it received a notification. (Issue #239676913)
Other resolved issues
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused messaging apps to crash or fail to send notifications.
- Fixed a GPU issue that prevented apps from using certain visual effects.
- Fixed an issue where Quick Settings tiles for a work profile were not added after setting up a new device.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Pixel launcher to crash when using the Search bar in the app drawer.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented a device from being unlocked using a pattern after the Google Assistant was activated.
- Fixed an issue in the system process that sometimes caused crashes.
- Fixed an issue with the Pixel launcher that prevented Chinese text input from being recognized when typing in the Search bar in the app drawer.
- Fixed an issue where when entering and exiting Picture-in-picture (PiP) mode from an app after changing the screen orientation, the system Settings app crashed with a „Settings keeps stopping“ message and then the system Settings app couldn’t be opened.
- Fixed an issue with the System UI that sometimes caused it to crash from a null pointer exception.
- Fixed an issue where the connection status of a Bluetooth device sometimes did not match the actual device state.
- Fixed an issue where the Pixel launcher crashed when a user tapped a web search suggestion for a query term.
- Fixed an issue that caused status bar icons to overlap with the date text when font and display settings were set to their maximum level on a device.
Hinweis: Google bietet seit geraumer Zeit ein Betaprogramm für Android an. Darüber können Besitzer aktueller Pixel-Handys die jeweils aktuelle Testversion kabellos und kinderleicht auf ihre Geräte laden. Dennoch sollte man bedenken, dass die Beta nie fehlerfrei ist und für den Alltag nicht unbedingt empfohlen werden kann.