Android 11: Neue Testversion bringt Google Pay zurück und behebt Fehler

Android 11 Head

Google hat sein neues Android 11 aktualisiert, zumindest die aktuell verfügbare Testversion namens Beta. In erster Linie sollen mit diesem ersten Update auf Beta 1.5 diverse Fehler behoben werden, die Google auch in einem Changelog näher benennt. Dazu gehören Abstürze von Apps, wenn man die Gestensteuerung verwendet. Aber auch ein Problem mit Google Pay, weswegen das kontaktlose Bezahlen unter Android 11 Beta 1 nicht benutzt werden konnte. Wer bereits mit Version 1 unterwegs ist, dürfte automatisch ein Update vorgeschlagen bekommen.

Android 11 Beta 1.5 (June 2020)

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This minor update to Android 11 Beta 1 includes the following fixes:


  • Devices no longer crash (reboot) while using gesture navigation to switch apps in different orientations while rotating the device at the same time.
  • On Pixel 3 and 3a, users setting up devices after reset can now activate a pSim service if the phone is currently using an eSIM service.
  • Fixed issues that users were having when using contactless payments through Google Pay.


  • The system no longer incorrectly enforces the Bluetooth privileged permission for RemoveBond. This resolves issues that could affect pairing, unpairing, and bond reset flows for Bluetooth devices, such as for Forget Watch on Wear OS devices.

Based on our testing, you might encounter the following issues when using Android 11 Beta 1.5. These issues are already known, so there’s no need to file issue additional reports for similar issues.

Known issues: Android Auto

  • Users might experience an issue during Android Auto projection with audio routing. When a user is connected with Android Auto in the vehicle and playing music or using navigation, the audio may be played on the phone’s speaker instead of the vehicle speakers. We have fixed this issue internally and it will be available to you in the Android Auto release 5.4 update this month.
  • Users may experience issues with Android Auto projection not starting after plugging in for the first time. We are investigating this issue.

Google startet Android 11 Beta und verrät die Neuerungen

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