Action Launcher bekommt dickes Update 3.6.0

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Action Launcher 3

Chris Lacy hat sich in den letzten Wochen mal wieder ordentlich ins Zeug gelegt und veröffentlicht mit Version 3.6.0 das neuste Update für den Action Launcher mit einer ewig langen Liste an Neuerungen und Verbesserungen. QuickFind ist beispielsweise eine neue Funktion, um Apps besser zu filtern und schneller zu starten. Auf Wunsch kann man jetzt das neue Google Logo in der Quickbar anzeigen lassen und für den Homescreen gibt es gleich 12 neue Effekte. Der komplette Changelog ist wie immer abartig lang, den hefte ich euch mal ans Ende des Artikels.

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Den Action Launcher 3.6.0 bekommt ihr natürlich bereits über den Play Store, viel Spaß damit und Feedback gern in die Kommentare.

Full changelog:
• NEW: Introducing Quickfind! Filter and load apps at lightning speed!
• NEW: Instantly engage Quickfind by swiping/double tapping the All Apps icon (swipe is faster than long-press!).
• NEW: Use either your standard or T9 (predictive text) keyboard with Quickfind.
• NEW: When using Quickfind, tapping the keyboard’s „Go“ key will load the first search result, allowing you to load apps quickly without reaching away from the keyboard (handy for large phones).
• NEW: Apps that have been manually hidden can be quickly retrieved via Quickfind.
• NEW: Add Quickfind to the widget picker, allowing you to filter widgets by name.
• NEW: Quickfind can be used as a shortcut action.
• NEW: Allow a single row of the most frequently loaded apps to display at the top of the All Apps page.
• NEW: Use the new Google logo on the Quickbar. Pick between single colored and multi-colored variants of the new logo, as well as the the old Google logo.
• NEW: Add Quickbar preset for colored variants of Google search logo and voice search icon.
• NEW: Support dynamic calendar API, enabling apps such as Today Calendar to specify a unique icon for each day of the month.
• NEW: Icon packs use dynamic calendar icons (if available in the icon pack).
• NEW: Pick from 12 transition effects when moving between Home screens.
• NEW: Initial translation support for more than a dozen languages available.
• IMPROVEMENT: Use any applicable icon pack shaders.
• IMPROVEMENT: Quickbar uses new Google logo by default.
• IMPROVEMENT: All Apps defaults to using a vertical grid with Quickfind.
• FIX: Ensure app behaves correctly when using Android’s Battery Saver mode.
• FIX: A host of stability/misc. bug fixes.

(via Google+)

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