Action Launcher: Version 38 bringt wahnsinnig viele Neuerungen mit

Action Launcher Header 2017

Der durchaus beliebte Action Launcher erwartet das nächste größere App-Update, in Version 38 sind wieder eine große Menge an Veränderungen und Neuerungen enthalten. Veröffentlicht wurde jetzt davon die erste Testversion (Beta), wir bekommen also einen früheren Blick auf die angesprochenen Verbesserungen. Im Changelog gibt es reichlich Punkte, darunter die allgemeine optische Verbesserung und Anpassung an das neue Android 9 Pie. Überarbeitet hat man auch die Einstellungen der App, die Einstellungen haben eine Suche erhalten und einiges mehr.

  • NEW: Revamp the app’s overall look & feel, embracing Pie’s color and styling.
  • NEW: Completely overhauled the app settings. All settings are now grouped logically, display previews, and helpful tips will take you to the option you need.
  • NEW: Add search to settings, allowing you to locate and even change settings via search.
  • NEW: Added the 2018 Supporter Badge, including five bonus wallpapers!
  • NEW: Proper infinite scrolling for Dock and Home screens.
  • NEW: Use Pixel Launcher styling for All Apps search bar.
  • NEW: Add icons to Shutter, Cover and folder popup menu items.
  • NEW: The „Lock device“ shortcut trigger has been restored. Requires the Action Launcher Plugin app to be installed.
  • NEW: Add dedicated switch for disabling the Dock.
  • NEW: Add setting to allow Text labels to be hidden in All Apps drawer.
  • NEW: Fine-grained Quicktheme color support for Desktop shortcuts, Shutters, folders and All Apps folder background colors.
  • NEW: Add setting to allow easy placement of an All Apps shortcut on Home screens.
  • NEW: Allow Desktop shortcuts to be sorted by name.
  • NEW: Overhaul app’s initial first run experience.
  • IMPROVEMENT: So as to comply with Google’s Project Strobe user privacy requirements, the READ_CALL_LOG and READ_SMS permissions are no longer requested or used. Unread badge counts for the Phone and SMS apps now fetch their counts from notifications. Notification dot functionality remains unchanged.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Settings display correctly when using the device has a large text size set.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Improve All Apps app suggestions when first installing the app.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Add hints to app functionality to the launcher itself, including helpers to Colorize Shutters/folders and create All Apps folders.
  • IMPROVEMENT: After a period of unuse, Action Launcher displays default Home screen and dock pages.
  • FIX: Fix ability to create an empty All Apps folder when editing an existing folder’s contents.
  • FIX: Fix dock icon spacing not updating upon its setting being changed.
  • FIX: Lots of misc. bug fixes and general performance improvements & optimizations.

Beziehen könnt ihr die Beta auch direkt aus dem Play Store, folgend der Link dazu:

[appbox googleplay com.actionlauncher.playstore]

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